Food tastes and aromas are the ultimate Time Machine

My Mother's Kitchen

My Mother's Kitchen
Mother's Homemade Bread

Friday, April 18, 2014

Recipe for Mom's Bread

1 Pkg of active dry yeast } Dissolve yeast in very warm
1/4 cup warm water           water, (but not hot) - add  pinch
                               of sugar to activate quicker yeast rise
2 cups scaled milk - almost boiling
2 tsp salt                            Remove milk from stove and ADD these
2 Tlbs sugar                       3 ingredients
1 Tlb shortening

6 - 6 1/2 cups  white flour
   Make sure the liquid has cooled before adding yeast mixture.  Add
flour 2 cups at a time until  dough is moderately stiff.  Turn out onto a floured
surface & continue to knead until dough is smooth and elastic.
    Place in greased bowl and turn once, cover with a clean, warm, damp,
kitchen towel. (I use saran wrap) Let rise till double in size. About 1 hour.
     Turn dough out on a lightly floured surface and punch down.  Knead
until air bubbles are out, divide in half and shape into a smooth rectangle
shape.  Place in greased loaf pans and cover.  Let rise until nearly double
in size (30/40 min. - rises faster in warm weather).  Bake in 350 degree oven for
about 35 minutes.  Bread will be brown on top and bottom, and will sound
hallow when tapped.  Take out of pans and place on racks to cool.

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