Food tastes and aromas are the ultimate Time Machine

My Mother's Kitchen

My Mother's Kitchen
Mother's Homemade Bread

Friday, July 25, 2014


     Most holidays our family would gather with other loved ones at the home of my Uncle Aaron and Aunt Merle.  They were the 'down to earth' kind of people that made you feel at home and everyone was welcomed at their door.

They had a large, two story farm house off of 4800 South in Murray, Utah.  Leaves would be added to their antique oak table in order to have it expand to accommodate the many chairs placed strategically for everyone to fit.  I loved attending Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners because warm delicious aromas permeated the air and conversation and laughter enveloped my heart.  The only thing I didn't like was that my cousin Ann and I, being the only girls, always ended up with the assignment of washing the dishes.  Ugh!
       My mom had a recipe for a sweet cabbage slaw that everyone loved.  It was especially delicious with ham because it complemented the saltiness of the meat.  The slaw was unusual and tasty, and people requested she bring the dish to most of the dinners we attended.

SWEET CABBAGE SLAW                   

1 Head of solid cabbage, chopped very fine (this is important - the key to the slaw - and don't try a food processor). Put the chopped cabbage in a Tupperware bowl with one ice cube on top and seal. (you could use a large zip-lock bag).  Put in refrigerator for 3 hours or overnight.
1 cup mayonnaise
3/4 tsp prepared mustard
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
Mix and adjust to taste - it should be a sweet sour sauce.
Whip package of Dream Whip according to directions - whip until peaks form
Slowly fold in cream mixture and add cabbage to mixture, one cup at a time.  The slaw should be creamy and loose (almost runny).  Enjoy!